
Am 4. und 5. September findet im Berliner Schmelztiegel Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg das weltweit "früheste" Showcase-Event statt: First We Take Berlin.
Wir freuen uns, folgende Partner bereits zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt nennen zu können: Island Records // Canadian Music Week // LISTEN TO BERLIN // Introducing // Fantastic Vol. 4 // French Connection // The Great Escape Festival // Danish Music Union // Tallinn Music Week // Karrera Klub // Vice/Noisey
Getanzt, gerockt und gefeiert werden darf im September in folgenden bisher bestätigten Clubs:
Bi Nuu // Lido // Magnet // Comet // Privatclub // Fluxbau // Postbahnhof // Fritz Club // Chalet // ASTRA Kulturhaus
Der Ticketverkauf für die Premiere des neuen Showacsefestivals der Berlin Music Week startet in den kommenden Tagen! Besitzer eines ALL IN oder mehrtägigen Kombitickets für das Berlin Festival haben kostenfreien Zutritt zu First We Take Berlin!, sofern sie sich vorab über die Berlin Festival Webseite registriert haben. Für alle anderen kostet der Eintritt des First We Take Berlin!-Festivals regulär nur 15,00€ zzgl. VVK-Gebühren.
Style: hip hip, pop
Die Orsons, who caused a stir with their track „Horst & Monika“ at the German Bundesvision Song Contest last year, will be performing at the airport on Saturday. The hip hop group was founded by Tua, Kaas, Maeckes and Plan B in 2007. One year later, they joined the directional Chimperator label family. They even caught the attention of the US hip hop scene with a remake of Soulja Boy's “Turn My Swag On”. Tours with Fettes Brot, Kool Savas or Olli Banjo followed. With Das Chaos und die Ordnung, Die Orsons released their third album in 2012.
Die Orsons, who caused a stir with their track „Horst & Monika“ at the German Bundesvision Song Contest last year, will be performing at the airport on Saturday. The hip hop group was founded by Tua, Kaas, Maeckes and Plan B in 2007. One year later, they joined the directional Chimperator label family. They even caught the attention of the US hip hop scene with a remake of Soulja Boy's “Turn My Swag On”. Tours with Fettes Brot, Kool Savas or Olli Banjo followed. With Das Chaos und die Ordnung, Die Orsons released their third album in 2012.
Die Münchner Band Claire, die ihren einzigartigen Mix aus Indie, Pop und Elektro selbst gerne als Neon Pop bezeichnet, kann sich dank des großartigen Debütalbums „The Great Escape“ vor Lob kaum retten. Live und in Farbe machen die dunkelbunten Klangbilder aus vertonten Emotionen der jungen Musiker um die charismatische Sängerin Josie sogar noch mehr Spaß und begeistern jeden, der einmal eines ihrer spektakulären Konzerte besucht hat. Claire stehen kurz vor der Veröffentlichung ihres Albums in den USA sowie UK und werden somit bald auch international für Aufsehen sorgen.
Style: 50s rock ’n’ roll,
The Ruen Brothers are Henry and Rupert from Scunthorpe in Lincolnshire. Both are in their early twenties, yet their sound is more rooted in 50s rock 'n' roll from the likes of Everly Brothers, Roy Orbison or Eddie Cochran with a modern twist.
The Ruen Brothers are Henry and Rupert from Scunthorpe in Lincolnshire. Both are in their early twenties, yet their sound is more rooted in 50s rock 'n' roll from the likes of Everly Brothers, Roy Orbison or Eddie Cochran with a modern twist.
Style: electro pop, NDW, techno pop
In Berlin, the trio has been on everyone's radar since its hit single, "Neuzeit", no doubt. With a mix of electro pop, NDW (New German Wave), pop-oriented techno and playful electronica, I Heart Sharks set out to conquer the rest of the world, too. In 2012, "Neuzeit" was made Berlin Festival's official song. At FWTB, the band will get behind the DJ booth.
In Berlin, the trio has been on everyone's radar since its hit single, "Neuzeit", no doubt. With a mix of electro pop, NDW (New German Wave), pop-oriented techno and playful electronica, I Heart Sharks set out to conquer the rest of the world, too. In 2012, "Neuzeit" was made Berlin Festival's official song. At FWTB, the band will get behind the DJ booth.
Most bands function like a family, seeing how touring, writing, and studio time force them to share a lot of small spaces for extended periods of time. But Family of the Year has taken that familial feeling a step further, and not just with its moniker. The members of the Los Angeles outfit have formed unbreakable bonds amongst themselves that come from cohabitating in a run-down house and relying on each other for inspiration and support, which has led to the kind of camaraderie that allows members to finish each other’s sentences.
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