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Please give a brief history of the band, including current line up.
The band originally formed in 1980 with the first gig at West London's Acklem Hall 4th March 1981.
The current line-up is me (Roi) on vocals, Chris Jones on drums, John Pearce (no relation) on playing bass and Keith Hillyer on guitar.
The band have been back together in this format since 2000. We recorded eight tracks 18 months ago, four old and four new including 'Working Class Kids' and 'Held Hostage' from the Peel & Birdhouse session. Only one of the tracks has been released - 'We're Gonna Get You' was on 'Addicted To Oi!' under Millwall Roi. We have loads of lyrics written and now we are just fitting riffs around the lyrics.
The first release was a limited edition cassette single in 1981 (on Cringe Music) with Saxby on vocals and me on bass which featured 'Violence In Our Minds', 'Held Hostage', 'Soul Boys' and a cover of Coventry punk band The Squad 'Eight Pounds a Week'. This later formed part of the tracks on Link Records split with Combat 84.
There were then two tracks on the second oi! album 'Strength Thru Oi!'; - 'Working Class Kids' and 'Johnny Barden'.
I don't believe the next release ever came out on Phonagram as planned. It was due to be a triple sided single with Infa Riot, 4-Skins and Last Resort. The Last Resort track was Violence In Our Minds.
Next up was Carry On Oi! with 'Kings Of The Jungle'. The photos for this were taken outside on the steps of the National History Museum and are being used on the flyers for our forthcoming gig at the Riffleman in Hounslow!
We then appear for the first time as the Warriors on 'Oi! Oi! That's Yer Lot', as Last Resort are no longer about. The track is 'Horror Show'. (On the Punk side).
The Last Resort 'Way Of Life - Skinhead Anthems', first issued on LP by Last Resort Records in 1982. This came out on a few different colours, scarlet being the most common. In the 90's it was rereleased as the first Captain Oi! release. The 11 original tracks have now been joined by four bonus cuts including "King Of The Jungle" from the "Carry On Oi!" LP. Available as a picture disc with an eight-page booklet including lyrics. Captain Oi! also issued this classic release on record in both black and clear vinyl complete with lyric insert.
Arthur Kay' final appearance was appear on was the infamous 'United Skins' where we did 'Wicked Women' under the name Warrior.
I then went onto be with the 4-Skins, releases include 'On The Streets' and 'A Fistfull Of 4 Skins'. Did a couple of releases as the Resort (Resort 1989 and got a track on the Pop Oi! compilation called 'Rubber Jenny') and then went onto the Heavy Metal Outlaws where we recorded 'Sex For Sexism Sake' and '60's Meant Nothing'.
So why reform after all this time? And why choose to do it as the Last Resort rather than he latter day band The Resort? How did you get the current members together?
There was a lot of pressure for us to reform from people like Lol Pryor and Chris Jones our drummer. After a lot of thought, and getting the right mix of people involved we got back together. Originally the plan was to come back just as 'Roi', but it was decided when we played 'Punk & Disorderly' in Berlin last year that it was the name 'Last Resort' that people knew.
Chris and John both played in the Anti Nowhere League in recent years. And Chris also went out to the US with me, when I spent some time out in the States. They also played with Tommy in the Resort back in 89. Keith joined after we were recording. He also played in the Heavy Metal Outlaws along with Steve Whale from the Business. John in Keith were also in a band together in the 90's in the vein of the Chillie Peppers. The band was called Noghy Pighir.
The personnel mix is extremely important and without the right people it would not of happened. We know each others strengths and boslter each other along. What you now have is phenomenal - a wall of sound.
The band originally formed in 1980 with the first gig at West London's Acklem Hall 4th March 1981.
The current line-up is me (Roi) on vocals, Chris Jones on drums, John Pearce (no relation) on playing bass and Keith Hillyer on guitar.
The band have been back together in this format since 2000. We recorded eight tracks 18 months ago, four old and four new including 'Working Class Kids' and 'Held Hostage' from the Peel & Birdhouse session. Only one of the tracks has been released - 'We're Gonna Get You' was on 'Addicted To Oi!' under Millwall Roi. We have loads of lyrics written and now we are just fitting riffs around the lyrics.
The first release was a limited edition cassette single in 1981 (on Cringe Music) with Saxby on vocals and me on bass which featured 'Violence In Our Minds', 'Held Hostage', 'Soul Boys' and a cover of Coventry punk band The Squad 'Eight Pounds a Week'. This later formed part of the tracks on Link Records split with Combat 84.
There were then two tracks on the second oi! album 'Strength Thru Oi!'; - 'Working Class Kids' and 'Johnny Barden'.
I don't believe the next release ever came out on Phonagram as planned. It was due to be a triple sided single with Infa Riot, 4-Skins and Last Resort. The Last Resort track was Violence In Our Minds.
Next up was Carry On Oi! with 'Kings Of The Jungle'. The photos for this were taken outside on the steps of the National History Museum and are being used on the flyers for our forthcoming gig at the Riffleman in Hounslow!
We then appear for the first time as the Warriors on 'Oi! Oi! That's Yer Lot', as Last Resort are no longer about. The track is 'Horror Show'. (On the Punk side).
The Last Resort 'Way Of Life - Skinhead Anthems', first issued on LP by Last Resort Records in 1982. This came out on a few different colours, scarlet being the most common. In the 90's it was rereleased as the first Captain Oi! release. The 11 original tracks have now been joined by four bonus cuts including "King Of The Jungle" from the "Carry On Oi!" LP. Available as a picture disc with an eight-page booklet including lyrics. Captain Oi! also issued this classic release on record in both black and clear vinyl complete with lyric insert.
Arthur Kay' final appearance was appear on was the infamous 'United Skins' where we did 'Wicked Women' under the name Warrior.
I then went onto be with the 4-Skins, releases include 'On The Streets' and 'A Fistfull Of 4 Skins'. Did a couple of releases as the Resort (Resort 1989 and got a track on the Pop Oi! compilation called 'Rubber Jenny') and then went onto the Heavy Metal Outlaws where we recorded 'Sex For Sexism Sake' and '60's Meant Nothing'.
So why reform after all this time? And why choose to do it as the Last Resort rather than he latter day band The Resort? How did you get the current members together?
There was a lot of pressure for us to reform from people like Lol Pryor and Chris Jones our drummer. After a lot of thought, and getting the right mix of people involved we got back together. Originally the plan was to come back just as 'Roi', but it was decided when we played 'Punk & Disorderly' in Berlin last year that it was the name 'Last Resort' that people knew.
Chris and John both played in the Anti Nowhere League in recent years. And Chris also went out to the US with me, when I spent some time out in the States. They also played with Tommy in the Resort back in 89. Keith joined after we were recording. He also played in the Heavy Metal Outlaws along with Steve Whale from the Business. John in Keith were also in a band together in the 90's in the vein of the Chillie Peppers. The band was called Noghy Pighir.
The personnel mix is extremely important and without the right people it would not of happened. We know each others strengths and boslter each other along. What you now have is phenomenal - a wall of sound.
Einige Jahre gingen seit der Gründung der NORDWAND ins Land, Rock Against Niveau hat sich inzwischen in die Köpfe der deutschen Punkrock-Elite gebrannt. Das simple Erfolgs-Konzept: Themen ansprechen, die jeden interessieren (u. A. Gewalt, Suchtprobleme, Politik, moderner Fußball bzw. Korruption, Medien und Geschlechtsverkehr) und entartete Melodien optimieren, um sie auch dem anspruchsvollen Hörer zugänglich zu machen.
Der Debüt-Silberling DAS PINKE ALBUM spiegelte die Gedanken einer ganzen Generation wider, die Punkrock-Prominenz stand Schlange in der Hoffnung, einen begehrten Platz als Gastmusiker zu ergattern, wobei am Ende Doc Horn und der Kardinal von Fluchtweg, Holgi (ehemals Zusamm-Rottung und Tower Blocks, heute Suburbs), Stephan (Bad Co Project, Tower Blocks, Toxpack) und Dr. Kacke (ehemals Soifass, Toxpack, Tower Blocks, Wackelkontakt) das Rennen machten. Schnell wurde klar, dass Rock against Niveau keine Eintagsfliege war. So folgte bald darauf DAS BABYBLAUE ALBUM, welches nochNordwand - Das Babyblaue Album Digipack niveauloser, noch unreifer, noch revolutionärer ausfiel als man es nach dem ersten Meilenstein für möglich gehalten hatte, selbst in puncto Name-Dropping wurde noch eine Schippe drauf gelegt, indem die Sänger von Oxo 86, Pflanzer, Berliner Weisse und Zaunpfahl als Gäste gewonnen werden konnten. In Kürze folgt der nächste Streich, die „Asozial“-EP, erstmalig auf stilvollem Vinyl.
Die Erfolgsgeschichte wird also weiter geschrieben, Rock against Niveau lässt sich nicht aufhalten, nicht einmal durch juristische Repressalien, erwirkt von ein paar notdürftigen Burgern aus Norditalien, die keine Kritik am eigenen topographischen Unvermögen dulden.
Nebenbei wird natürlich auch der Kontakt zum Fußvolk nicht gescheut, und so rocken die Jungs auch weiterhin gern jede Stadt, jede Halle, jede Kneipe, die nach ihnen ruft und die nötige Kohle oder wenigstens Koks und Nutten auf Tasche hat. Sollten sie in deiner Nähe rocken, dann gilt:
Der Debüt-Silberling DAS PINKE ALBUM spiegelte die Gedanken einer ganzen Generation wider, die Punkrock-Prominenz stand Schlange in der Hoffnung, einen begehrten Platz als Gastmusiker zu ergattern, wobei am Ende Doc Horn und der Kardinal von Fluchtweg, Holgi (ehemals Zusamm-Rottung und Tower Blocks, heute Suburbs), Stephan (Bad Co Project, Tower Blocks, Toxpack) und Dr. Kacke (ehemals Soifass, Toxpack, Tower Blocks, Wackelkontakt) das Rennen machten. Schnell wurde klar, dass Rock against Niveau keine Eintagsfliege war. So folgte bald darauf DAS BABYBLAUE ALBUM, welches nochNordwand - Das Babyblaue Album Digipack niveauloser, noch unreifer, noch revolutionärer ausfiel als man es nach dem ersten Meilenstein für möglich gehalten hatte, selbst in puncto Name-Dropping wurde noch eine Schippe drauf gelegt, indem die Sänger von Oxo 86, Pflanzer, Berliner Weisse und Zaunpfahl als Gäste gewonnen werden konnten. In Kürze folgt der nächste Streich, die „Asozial“-EP, erstmalig auf stilvollem Vinyl.
Die Erfolgsgeschichte wird also weiter geschrieben, Rock against Niveau lässt sich nicht aufhalten, nicht einmal durch juristische Repressalien, erwirkt von ein paar notdürftigen Burgern aus Norditalien, die keine Kritik am eigenen topographischen Unvermögen dulden.
Nebenbei wird natürlich auch der Kontakt zum Fußvolk nicht gescheut, und so rocken die Jungs auch weiterhin gern jede Stadt, jede Halle, jede Kneipe, die nach ihnen ruft und die nötige Kohle oder wenigstens Koks und Nutten auf Tasche hat. Sollten sie in deiner Nähe rocken, dann gilt: