Filous & Graham Candy
Aus gesundheitlichen Gründen muss die Tandem Tour von filous und Graham Candy leider abgesagt werden. Wir danken für das Verständnis und hoffen, dass filous bald wieder auf den Beinen ist. An Ersatzterminen wird gearbeitet, bereits erworbene Tickets können an den VVK Stellen zurück gegeben werden.
Unfortunately, due to illness the "Tandem Tour" of filous and Graham Candy has to be cancelled.We thank you for your understanding and hope that filous is get well soon. We're currently working on replacement dates. Any purchased tickets can be refunded at the tickets shops.
filous & Graham Candy
Tandem - If one thing happens or is done in tandem with another thing, they are working together, especially well. The two things happen at the same time.
filous and Graham Candy have decided to conjoin at the hip with their unique music styles and pedal to 4 cities this Fall to give you a 2 for 1 concert. With new releases about to drop after a summer season which took Candy around Europe and filous around the United States, they are super excited to get back on the road to some of their favourite spots near home. The two shows have been manufactured after a year and a half of collaborating in the studio with the two artists and there friends. The live shows are sure to be filled with a lot of spectacle, see you there.