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Battery is an old school hardcore band from Washington, D.C., who rose to prominence in the90’s. Known for their intense energy and introspective lyrics, the band became a defining part ofthe hardcore scene. Their sound mixed elements of classic hardcore that was fast and aggressive,with melody and sing alongs. The band’s lineup included members of Damnation AD, Shelter,Darkest Hour, and Be Well.Frontman Brian McTernanand guitar player Ken Olden shaped the band’s sound and identity.McTernan, known for his impassioned and visceral vocal delivery, brought a unique intensity tothe band's performances and lyrics. His dedication to both the personal and political aspects ofhardcore punk gave Battery a sense of urgency and relevance that resonated deeply with fans.McTernan was also involved in the production side of the hardcore scene, later becoming asought-after producer and engineer for bands such as Turnstile, Thrice, and Hot Water Music.Ken Olden, the band's guitarist, was another central figure in Battery’s sound. Known for hisprecise yet aggressive playing, Olden's guitar work blended the raw energy of hardcore withelements of melody and metal, helping to create the band's distinctive sound. Olden had beeninvolved in several other hardcore and punk projects, including Better Than a Thousand andDamnation AD, cementing his status as a key figure in the hardcore scene.This summer, Battery will be returning for a highly anticipated European tour, marking their firstshows of the decade. For longtime fans and newcomers alike, this tour represents a rare chanceto experience the iconic band’s live performances once again, continuing their legacy within thehardcore community.

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